views from turkey
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Hazelnut Orchard
Black Pine Forest in Elmacik
Hanzara Obası
Karayaka Sheep
Plateau of Ayder, Rize
Çımaklı and Cibril Village
Mikron Bridge
Fırtına Deresi in Rize
Akilbaba Tepesi
Waterfalls in Dereli, Giresun
Holiday Among Caucasian Firs
Alucra Town
Alucra are the names of an administrative district of Giresun Province in Turkey and the town of this district. It is located in the south of Giresun province adjacent to Gumushane, Erzincan and Sivas provinces in the south. It is 155 km away from the Giresun city center, and connects to Giresun via D385 motorway. It has typical characteristics of the passage from Central Anatolia to Black Sea Region. There are many wonderful high plateaus, pine forests, streams and villages in Alucra District. It is worthful to see.